January 28, 2025 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Alexe: Find Out Her Celebrity Crush and Which Cartoon Character She Relates To

Learn more about this Bachelor Nation star!
Fans are getting to know Alexe on Grant’s season of “The Bachelor,” and now she’s opening up exclusively to BachelorNation.com, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know Alexe a little better below!
1. I think a celebrity couple that is the definition of #relationshipgoals is: Zendaya and Tom Holland. They are very private with their relationship, yet they seem so loyal and respectful with each other.
2. My guilty pleasure is: Chips. My friends call me the queen of chips. I can eat a family-sized bag within minutes.
3. My zodiac sign is ___________ and my most [insert zodiac sign] trait would be: Pisces — being a daydreamer. I have a tattoo of a cloud because I’ve always had my head in the clouds and dreamt BIG!

4. The best relationship advice I ever received was: Are they making you become a better person? Or do you find yourself jeopardizing your own values/being constantly irritable?
5. My biggest pet peeve is: Someone who has zero self-awareness and is always talking about themselves. Not everything revolves around you!!!
6. The first thing I do when I wake up is: Check my phone and see if I can push the snooze button. I love to sleep lol.
7. My last meal on earth would be: Homemade lasagna!!! I am the real-life Garfield. Sleep and lasagna.

8. My current phone screen saver is: A furry cow. They are my favorite animal.
9. The person that inspires me the most is: Zendaya. She is so poised, genuine, and elegant despite being so much in the public eye.
10. The movie I’ve rewatched the most is: “Monsters, Inc. !!!” I watch it if I’m happy, sad, stressed haha.
11. The most famous person who I’d love to meet is: Rihanna. She is my idol, girl crush, everything. I’d probably freeze in place if I met her.
12. My favorite emoji is: 🫡 It cracks me up every time.
13. My celebrity crush is: Matthew McConaughey and Jude Law. Can’t decide haha.

14. The last thing I Googled is: How to pronounce “madame” in English. I’m French Canadian, so I’m always on Google Translate. I always need to know how to say something in both languages, and if I don’t, I automatically look on Google Translate. I call it word OCD.
15. My favorite part of being on “The Bachelor” was: Creating long-lasting relationships with the girls. The bond you create is inexplicable. It is the best thing to ever happen to me :)
16. My advice for anyone who goes on “The Bachelor” in the future is: Don’t be afraid to say what feels true to you — that way your true self will shine through the screen.
17. If I had to hang out with only three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of my life, it would be: The girls from my season, of course! Natalie, Chloie, Litia!

18. If you go on “The Bachelor,” don’t forget to pack: Press-on nails — my gel nails fell off one week in and my nails looked horrible! Thank goodness one of the girls was nice enough to lend me some of hers.
19. When Bachelor Nation fans approach me in person and/or online, the first question they ask is: Do people actually fall in love???
20. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Living in Europe in a small coastal city with my first baby and my husband!