August 10, 2023 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Kaleb K.: Find Out Who Inspires Him Most and His Celebrity Crush!

Learn more about this Bachelor Nation star!
Fans got to know Kaleb K. on Charity’s season of “The Bachelorette,” and now he’s opening up exclusively to, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know Kaleb K. a little better below!
1. A taboo topic I love talking about is: Green texters are severely mistreated in my opinion. And no, I am not one of them, but I feel like I should use this opportunity to declare myself as an ally for green texters everywhere.
2. I think a celebrity couple that is the definition of #relationshipgoals is: Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn. I know it’s not like that, but the chemistry is undeniable.

3. My guilty pleasure is: Jamming out to my ’00’s emo playlist when I’m alone in the car. Nothing quite like the childhood classics to get me out of a funk.
4. The best relationship advice I ever received was: Communication is key!
5. My zodiac sign is ___________ and my most [insert zodiac sign] trait would be: Leo. My most Leo trait is that I am very loyal to the people I am closest to.
6. My biggest pet peeve is: Atlanta drivers. Also the fact that 285 has been under construction since I was born. Just give it up, already.
7. The first thing I do when I wake up is: Brew a pot of coffee big enough for an entire Waffle House then proceed to drink the entire pot.
8. My last meal on earth would be: Pizza and wings. Neither of these are my favorite food, but when they’re together, it makes me really happy.

9. The song that always gets me pumped up is: “Protect Ya Neck” by Wu-Tang Clan.
10. My hidden talent is: Blowing bubbles off my tongue. The reactions I get are always entertaining.
11. The person that inspires me the most is: My parents. They both worked very hard to make sure my sister, Hanna, and I had everything we needed growing up.
12. The movie I’ve rewatched the most is: “The Waterboy.” “Remember the time Bobby Boucher showed up at halftime and the Mud Dogs won the Bourbon Bowl, do ya?”

13. My favorite emoji is: The red 100 emoji; only used at inappropriate times.
14. The last thing I Googled is: “Top 10 cities for young professionals.”
15. My favorite part of being on “The Bachelorette” was: Being around all of the guys. I truly enjoyed getting to know everyone and making a lot of really good friends. I didn’t know what to expect going into it, but I was pleasantly surprised at how awesome this group was.
16. Being on “The Bachelorette” taught me: How to be myself and not worry about the opinions of others. It is crazy to think that I could have missed out on this incredible experience being worried about what people might think.
17. My celebrity crush is: Ana de Armas. Ana, if you’re seeing this, I love you.

18. If you go on “The Bachelorette,” don’t forget to pack: Your own steamer for sure. It was an absolute lifesaver. Thanks, Mom!
19. Something I still have from my time on “The Bachelorette” is: The pink Speedo from the dodgeball group date. Yikes.
20. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I see myself continuing to chase my passions and doing the things that make me the happiest. Hopefully I will find a partner along the way who shares the same values and goals as I do.