March 11, 2024 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Sydney: Find Out What Being on ‘The Bachelor’ Taught Her and Her Hidden Talent

Fans are getting to know Sydney on Joey’s season of “The Bachelor,” and now she’s opening up exclusively to, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know Sydney a little better below!
1. A taboo topic I love talking about is: Astrology!
2. I think a celebrity couple that is the definition of #relationshipgoals is: Ashley Iaconetti and Jared Haibon.

3. The best relationship advice I ever received was: Never leave without a kiss goodbye.
4. My zodiac sign is ___________ and my most [insert zodiac sign] trait would be: Leo. I love so deeply, but once someone hurts me, I will drop them like a fly.
5. My biggest pet peeve is: When someone sits on the bed with their outside clothes.
6. My last meal on earth would be: Chicken green curry and sweet potato fries, yuuum! Then Rice Krispies Treats for dessert!

7. The song that always gets me pumped up is: “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl”) or “Valerie” by Amy Winehouse.
8. My hidden talent is: Oooof, I’m good at everything, but great at nothing... but free throw shots!
9. The person that inspires me the most is: My mother. She’s a bada$$ woman with a huge heart.
10. The movie I’ve rewatched the most is: “Almost Famous.”
11. The most famous person who has slid into my DMs/followed me on social media is: Dang, no one comes to mind. I guess I’m not that cool (cry emoji).
12. My favorite emoji is: Currently the rose emoji, of course!

13. The last thing I Googled is: How to use “rizz” in a sentence.
14. My favorite part of being on “The Bachelor” was: The whole experience. Feeling emotions I’ve never felt, forever friends that I made, and learn to stand up for what I believe is right.
15. Being on “The Bachelor” taught me: To stick up for myself and stand up for what I believe is right.
16. My celebrity crush is: Paige Lorenze. She is an entrepreneur, she is kind, humble, and beautiful.
17. My advice for anyone who goes on “The Bachelor” is: Be vulnerable, take in every emotion you get from the experience. You’ll cherish these moments forever.
18. If I had to hang out with only three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of my life, it would be: Ugh, so hard!!! Probably my girl Lea, travels with Caelynn, and Hannah G. (because she a fashion girlie).

19. Something I still have from my time on “The Bachelor” is: My globe from Joey and my roses from the Rose Ceremonies.
20. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Happily married, continuing being a boss babe, and setting up a good life for my children.