April 01, 2024 • pillow talk
EXCLUSIVE: Gabby Windey & Robby Hoffman Discuss a Queer Bachelorette and Moving In Together

Opening up.
Bachelor Nation fans got to know and love Gabby Windey on Season 26 of “The Bachelor” and Season 19 of “The Bachelorette.”
Since her time on the shows, she found love with her girlfriend Robby Hoffman and publicly came out last summer.
Now, Gabby and Robby are stopping by for an exclusive chat with BachelorNation.com where they discussed their future, a possible queer season of “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette,” and more.
Check out our full interview below!
Bachelor Nation: Thank you so much for chatting with us Gabby and Robby! A potential queer season of “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette” has been making headlines recently, what would that show mean to you?
Gabby Windey: There has been so much buzz and excitement around it, I don’t know if it will be confirmed, but I feel like it would be so good and could also get messy, which is a good thing. Inclusivity is so important. Until you explore your queerness for yourself, you don’t know how important it is to see people like you on TV. I feel like that really happened for me with the show “Perfect Match.” I saw a bisexual storyline with Abbey and Francesca on the show. To see those women on TV made me realize that I could be myself too, I saw myself in that, so I do think a queer season of “The Bachelor” or “The Bachelorette” would be really important.
BN: Absolutely. Is there anyone you’d like to see as the first queer lead?
Robby Hoffman: I feel like we’re already seeing it! It’s Gab and I. I got the final rose. People wondering what it’s going to look like, we just fast forwarded to the finale and this is it. You’re looking at the queer Bachelorette. We already did the season, a lot of it was private and the cameras forgot to come. So yeah, my dream season is us!

BN: Love it! Gabby, how has it been coming out publicly in your 30s and Robby how has it been being by her side throughout that journey?
GW: I questioned it a lot coming out later, but I also think it was kind of a blessing because I had life experience that you don’t have when you’re younger. Robby had a terrible coming out story from when she was 17 and she went through so much scrutiny. So being an adult, I can stand on my own a little bit more. It’s less about labels and what my sexuality is and more that I just fell in love. So yes, I was exploring, but there was something about our connection that was really special.
RH: Yeah, it almost feels like I’m coming out again. I was outed in a very brutal and shocking way at school and it was really bad. I realized after that, I never really came out formally, so I feel like I’m coming out with her. And this is way better! If you can do it again, do it with Gabby Windey, I highly advise.
BN: So sweet. And what does the future look like for you two? Are you planning on moving in together soon?
RH: Yes, we talk about it all the time. I have a cat and she has a dog and I feel like the cat is taking a back seat. They just need a little less. Gabby has a big place we could move into, but it’s only randomly one bathroom, which I feel like with all the accouterments she has could be hard.
GW: I think that’s the one thing she’s clinging onto to make excuses! So we are not U-hauling, because we can’t with the dog and the cat.

RH: Right, but soon enough! The soonest we are going to seriously have the conversation is when our leases are up in the summer and if a new great place pops up, fantastic, and if not I might be moving into the one bathroom situation. It is gorgeous though, the house is beautiful!
GW: She would love it!
BN: Can’t wait to follow along the moving adventures with the pets! Lastly, how did you know you were right for each other?
GW: We knew early on that we were right for each other. We just get along so well. Sense of humor has always been so important to me, so when people found out it’s obviously no surprise because Robby is funny as hell. She’s a comedian and she’s so smart and gorgeous as well. She’s all natural!
RH: I feel like we’re always deciphering being “the one” for each other. Yeah, we knew right away, but we’re always learning how to be better ones for each other. It is an ongoing process. We felt it initially and now we are always checking in and figuring out how to continue to make each other happy. It’s just been amazing.
BN: That’s beautiful! Thank you both so much for your time, we’ll chat again soon!