June 22, 2021 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Adam Gottschalk: Get to Know the Bachelor Nation Star a Bit Better!

Adam Gottschalk’s ride within Bachelor Nation has been nothing short of incredible.
Fans first got to know the handsome real estate broker on Season 13 of “The Bachelorette” in 2017. While he didn’t win Rachel Lindsay’s final rose, Adam gave love another shot on the beaches of “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 4, during which he met now-wife Raven Gates.
Raven and Adam recently stopped by “Click Bait” and chatted with co-hosts Joe Amabile and Natasha Parker about their time on the show, their “perfect” April 16 wedding, and its multiple delays due to COVID-19.
But there is even more to learn about Adam. Here, he opens up exclusively to BachelorNation.com, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know the Bachelor Nation star a bit better below!
1. What is a taboo topic you love talking about? Politics.
2. What celebrity couple is your definition of #relationshipgoals? Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.

3. What is the best relationship advice you’ve ever received? It’s 100/100 — not 50/50.
4. What is your zodiac sign and how do you embody it? I’m an Aries and my most Aries trait is that I’m extroverted.
5. What is your biggest pet peeve? Dirty dishes.

6. What would you want your last meal on earth to be? Sushi — from the rarest fish.
7. What is the one song that always gets you pumped up? “Up in Here” by DMX.
8. Who inspires you the most? Elon Musk.

9. What movie have you rewatched the most? Either “Harry Potter” or “Transformers.”

10. Who is the most famous person who has followed you on social media or slid into your DMs? Raven Gates :)
11. What is the last thing you Googled? “How much water is too much for new plants.”
12. What was your favorite part of being on “The Bachelorette”? The traveling and brotherhood.
13. What did being on “The Bachelorette” teach you? To put my phone down and be in the moment.
14. Who is your Bachelor Nation crush? Raven!!!!! Wife for life!

15. What advice would you give anyone going on “The Bachelorette”? Stay in your lane, be open to the idea of falling in love quickly, and check your ego at the door before entering the Bachelor Mansion.
16. If you could hang out with only three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Eric Bigger, Derek Peth, and Jason Tartick — aka the “Dream Team.”

17. What should you definitely pack if you go on “The Bachelorette”? A good impression suit or blazer. Thank me later.
18. What is one thing you still have from your time on “The Bachelorette”? Sunglasses I bought while in Norway.
19, When Bachelor Nation fans approach you in person, what is the first question they ask? “Wait, are you really Adam?... from ‘The Bachelorette’?.. OMG I love your wife!” Me: (Gee, thanks lol jk) “Isn’t she the best?!”
20. Where do you see yourself in five years? Maybe living in the suburbs with some kids and coming back to “Paradise” each year!