January 21, 2022 • bachelor insider
Sarah Herron Shares Important Advice on How to Support a Friend Going Through IVF/Infertility/Pregnancy Loss

Bachelor Nation first met Sarah Herron on Season 17 of “The Bachelor.” Sarah also hit the beaches of “Bachelor in Paradise” on Seasons 1 and 3 in hopes of finding love.
While she ended up finding love and getting engaged off-screen to her fiancé Dylan Brown, Sarah has kept Bachelor Nation fans up with her life on social media over the years.
Sarah has been extremely open with fans about important topics like fertility, egg freezing, limb differences, and mental health.
And throughout the past year, Sarah has been particularly open about her and Dylan’s egg freezing, fertilization, and embryo transfer process.
Unfortunately, in November 2021, Sarah shared that her first embryo transfer ended up being unsuccessful and didn’t result in a pregnancy.
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Now, as Sarah goes through the egg retrieval process again, she took to Instagram to share important advice on how to support a loved one going through the process of IVF, infertility, pregnancy loss, or anything similar.
Sarah said, “Going through fertility treatments and pregnancy loss is such a personal experience. Every parent-to-be experiences the emotions of the journey differently. As a friend of someone who is struggling to become a parent, it can be confusing to know how to show up.”
So she surveyed her hundreds of thousands of followers and asked “those of you who’ve been through IVF/Infertility/Pregnancy Loss, how you wanted your friends to support you. The general takeaway was that there is no right way, and there’s no wrong way to show up as a friend, just show up.”
But while there is no one right way, Sarah did share a list of ways you can show up for a loved one going through this extremely personal experience.
1. Ask questions. It makes such a difference to me to know my friends want to understand.
2. Remember transfer dates / check in with me throughout the whole process, not just around big procedure days.
3. Please don’t offer unsolicited advice.
4. Don’t try to change the subject. Let me keep talking about it.
5. Offer to drive me to my appointments.
6. Don’t apologize to me when you get pregnant. It puts me in a weird position and that actually makes me feel worse.
7. Include me in things. Feeling left out is much worse.
8. Limit telling me about other people’s success stories as a sign of hope.
9. No toxic positivity!
10. Avoid saying things like; “Have you tried ___.”
11. Be patient that the medications I’m on may change my interest in things we normally do together.
12. It’s okay if you don’t know what to say, just say SOMEthing.
Sarah noted to leave more suggestions in the comments, and fans praised these tips and shared their own additions.
Check out Sarah’s full post below.
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