January 24, 2022 • bachelor insider
EXCLUSIVE: Jared Haibon Reveals Which Bachelor Nation Stars His Son Will Call ‘Aunt & Uncle,’ Plus: He Spills on His Dream of Opening a Sports Bar

Bachelor Nation star Jared Haibon is just weeks away from becoming a dad and is in the thick of running his new business, Audrey’s Coffee House & Lounge.
He and his wife Ashley Iaconetti Haibon have a lot on their plates right now, but the soon-to-be dad took some time to sit down exclusively with BachelorNation.com for a catch-up.
Jared opened up about everything from which Bachelor Nation star is going to be their son’s godfather to what business he and Ashley want to open up next.
Check out his entire interview below!
Bachelor Nation: What has been your favorite part of opening Audrey’s Coffee House & Lounge?
Jared Haibon: That’s a good question! I think it’s the ability to curate a menu that isn’t only focused on food and drink items but moments for people that they really enjoy. I like the idea of catering to individuals, I think that’s why the hospitality industry has always been addicting to me. I like when I present something and I can see someone enjoying it. That gives me a high! So I think that’s been the best part. And also, I love working with a crew and a team. I love being a part of this team. It’s like a second family.
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BN: I love that! Have there been any challenges with opening your own business?
JH: I’d say the worst part has been obviously just financials. When opening your own business, you just have to pour so much into it. It’s not only your passion, time, and energy, but you also have to pour so much of your own savings and money into it. It can be very scary opening your own business because you just hope that it succeeds and you hope people like it. You hope you want to keep coming back in for more and spend money there so you can survive. So I think that’s been the scariest part, especially with a kid on the way.
BN: Absolutely, that makes a lot of sense. You mentioned you loved curating your menu; we love all the Bachelor Nation-themed drinks! What made you pick these names?
JH: Bachelor Nation has been such an important part of our lives. Ashley and I are not only so grateful and appreciative of everything the franchise has done for us but the franchise is truly such a part of our family and our story. I hear a lot of times some people who come from Bachelor shows and they say that they don’t want to be known for being on the show, they want to be known for something else. And while I understand that, there’s a big party that doesn’t understand that. A lot of people actually notice when they come into Audrey’s that we don’t run away from the fact that we were on the show like with drinks called “The Rose Ceremony,” “Take a Moment, Say Your Goodbyes,” “A Trip to Paradise,” and “Here for the Wrong Reasons.” But my answer to that is, why would we run away from the show? I met my wife through the show, it’s one of the best experiences of my life. We love this show, and we know that without the show there is no Audrey’s. So we knew very early on that we wanted to incorporate “The Bachelor” into many different aspects of our establishment. Even the logo of Audrey’s has a rose instead of an apostrophe. We wanted to include different nods to the show throughout the space and the menu. So with all that said, my favorite drinks are “The Most Dramatic Mocha Ever” and “Take a Moment Say your Goodbyes.” Those are also two of our most popular!
BN: That is so special — the show loves you and Ashley right back! And we have got to try “The Most Dramatic Mocha Ever” someday. Do you have a five-year vision for the coffeehouse and do you hope to open another location someday?
JH: I don’t know if I’d open another Audrey’s. Ashley and I have always wanted to be restaurateurs where we can open up a few different establishments with different concepts. We’d love to do a sports bar and possibly a wine bar one day. So I don’t know if I would do another Audrey’s just because I really want it to be a small, family-owned and operated business. That’s the goal of this entire thing, so I want Audrey’s to always feel like that. And if we do open up another place, I will also want it to feel very family-oriented. As for the five-year plan, that’s a good question. My answer is just to still be around. That’s the five-year plan — to be successful. We want to have Audrey’s be a staple in southern Rhode Island for people to go get their coffee and to go get an espresso martini. That’s really the five-year plan as of right now. So if that includes possibly opening up some different establishments, then I’m all for that!
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BN: That sounds like a great plan. Have you thought about any possible names for the potential sports bar or wine bar?
JH: We’ve thought about it for the sports bar because we’d really love to open a sports bar. As most people know, I’m a huge New England sports fan, so I really wanted to create a sports bar where you walk in and you feel like you’re in Boston. We have a vision for a mural in the sports bar of a Mount Rushmore of Boston sports icons. So instead of the presidents, it would be like Tom Brady’s face, Larry Bird’s face, David Ortiz’s face, etc. And as for the name of it, we tentatively want to call it “The Yard.” It felt very homey and we love how people don’t pronounce their “R’s” here, so it would naturally start being called “The Yahd,” which is the goal! The name came from a nod to a football yard, but also like a homey backyard and watching the game in your yard with loved ones.
BN: That’s amazing! We hope your vision for “The Yard” — sorry, I mean “The Yahd” — comes to life someday! Speaking of names, we love the name you and Ashley picked for your son on the way — Dawson Demetri Haibon. We know you shared the significance of his first name, but where did Demetri come from?
JH: So Demitri actually was just a name that we both really liked. Ashley’s dad’s name is Dominic and we love that name, but her sister Lauren, who was also on “Bachelor in Paradise” very briefly, already said that she wants to name her child Dominic. So Dominic was out and we’re thinking of different names. And Demetrius came up and when thinking of names similar to Dominic, I was like, what about Demitri? We sat on it for a bit and realized the whole name together, Dawson Demetri Haibon, sounded really good. We also thought of Rhode for Rhode Island and obviously Brady for Tom Brady. But we just felt like Dawson Demetri Haibon sounded really great all together, so we went with it!
BN: Yes! It’s a beautiful name and really does sound great all together. Are there any fellow Bachelor Nation stars you think Dawson will call aunt and uncle?
JH: Oh, absolutely, yes! Jade and Tanner for sure. And we’re actually toying with the idea of making Nick Viall his godfather. It started as a joke, but also if something ever happened, I would have a lot of trust in Nick to take care of our kid, I really do. And of course Dean, we’d have Uncle Deanie Babies, and Ben Higgins will be Uncle Higgy. I’m sure Ashley has so many more too, but those are the first ones that come to mind. Tanner and Jade are definitely going to be aunt and uncle. We really miss them, Emmy, Brooks, and Reed. That was the toughest part about leaving L.A. was leaving friends like them.
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BN: I’m sure! Well, I love all the Bachelor Nation family Dawson will have around him. That’s going to be one loved kiddo! Have you and Ashley thought about what your parents’ grandparent names are going to be?
JH: That’s a good question… Hold on, let me call in Ashley for this one because I don’t remember for the life of me. (Calls Ashley on his phone.)
Ashley Iaconetti: (on the phone) For my parents, it’ll be Grandpa and Audie. Audie is like Audrey but shorter. She just knows she wants to be Audie! And for your parents, I believe it was Nana and Papa, pretty original!
JH: There we go! I couldn’t remember, thank you, Ash, love you!
BN: Wow, we love an Ashley cameo and we love those names! How cute! Obviously Ashley is the one who’s pregnant, but has there been a favorite and most challenging part of this pregnancy for you as her partner?
JH: The most challenging part has been her being sick constantly. She can’t do much, and obviously I don’t want her to do much, I just want her to relax. She’s the one that’s pregnant, so I’m trying to just get everything done which can be difficult. But my favorite part was when we came up with the name and we decided we are going to call him Dawson. Instead of calling the baby “him” or “it,” we got to refer to him by name. It was like “Oh, Dawson’s kicking again!” So it’s been really cool to actually call him by his name. It makes it feel so much more real. I’ve also put together a couple strollers and car seats and I have found that quite fun. It may not be as fun after putting a lot more together, but for now putting all the baby stuff together has been a lot of fun!
BN: Getting to call him Dawson must be so special, and it’s so fun you’ve shared it with the world so we can all call him Dawson too! What milestones are you most excited for once he’s born?
JH: Oh, there’s so many! I hope that Tom Brady doesn’t retire after this season so I can sit down with Dawson in my arms and watch the greatest football player of all time with him. That’d be a lot of fun! Especially if he’s wearing a little Tom Brady onesie. And while this is years off, I can’t wait to take him to Disney World. I love Disney. My family and I used to go whenever we could and it was always my favorite trip. So being able to bring him to Disney and live vicariously through him when he sees Mickey and the castle sounds very exciting. And I’m looking forward to rewatching shows that we grew up with, like “Boy Meets World,” “Power Rangers,” “Superman,” “Star Wars,” and more just to get to see his reactions to all the stuff we loved. And while that is all more down the road, in the meantime, I’m just wondering what his first word is going to be and I can’t wait to see him smile for the first time. A friend of mine told me how special that moment is, so I’m just very excited for those moments when he’s a smiling, giggly baby.
BN: Those are some great milestones, and yes, there’s nothing like a baby’s toothless little smile! Okay, we’re going to play a round of “Which Parent Will…” and you let me know if you think it’s you or Ashley.
JH: Okay, got it!
BN: Who is going to be more strict?
JH: Me. For sure, 1,000 percent!
BN: Which parent do you think Dawson will look more like?
JH: I’d say Ash because I feel like kids always look more like their mom… but my mom’s side of the family is very strong. So, I think honestly, he might look more like me in the early stages, and then maybe slowly start morphing more to Ashley when he gets like 4, 5, or 6.
BN: Who do you think will change more diapers?
JH: Definitely me, 100 percent. She deserves it! And, granted it’s a dog, but anytime our dog Lois went poop while we potty trained her, I always had to clean it up. Ash would be dry heaving in the other room, so I say me, but hopefully that’s not the case with Dawson!
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BN: Who will take more selfies with Dawson?
JH: Ashley, hands down. Our relationship is so stereotypical when it comes to pictures. She’ll go through her camera roll and there will be all these great pictures of me and places we’ve been. Then, I go through my camera roll and it’s just like pictures of her asleep or snoring. So she’s definitely going to take all the really good pics of Dawson! And when it comes to posting photos of him on social media, we’ve talked about that a bit. Ashley is the most open person ever, so she doesn’t care. I do to a certain extent, but when we feel comfortable, we’ll post a picture of him. I can’t imagine that it will be too long after birth.
BN: We can’t wait to see all the selfies and all his cuteness! Who will spoil Dawson the most?
JH: Probably me, but Ashley’s gonna spoil the crap out of him too though. I am just basing this all off our dog and I definitely give her extra treats even when Ash tells me not to, so I think I might spoil Dawson a little bit more. We’ll see!
BN: Last but not least, who do you think will want more kids sooner?
JH: Surprisingly, I think Ashley. Even though she’s had a rough pregnancy, I know she really wants a girl and in some ways I think she just wants to get the second pregnancy over with. But most of all, I think once Ashley has a baby in her arms, she’s gonna want another one. I guess we’ll find out, but for now my answer is I think she’s gonna want to have more kids before I do.