May 27, 2022 • bachelor insider
Maurissa Gunn Reveals If She’s Dating Again After Her Split with Riley Christian

Maurissa Gunn is opening up!
Fans first met Maurissa Gunn on Season 24 of “The Bachelor,” and we watched her love story with Riley Christian unfold on Season 7 of “Bachelor in Paradise.”
The two got engaged at the end of Season 7, but a few months later, they announced they were splitting up.
Last month, Maurissa exclusively told that she’s still looking for love post-breakup, saying, “I want Bachelor Nation to know that I’m still looking for love. Love is the most important thing to me. I want a husband. Seriously, it sucks!”
Now, Maurissa stopped by the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” podcast, where she revealed if she’s started dating again since she and Riley called off their engagement.
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She told co-hosts Natasha Parker and Tia Booth, “I have started dating since my breakup. I’m ready. Getting back out there is all you can do, right? What am I gonna do, sit in my house and be depressed all day, every day? Nope, not me. Bye!”
And while she’s been putting herself out there again, Maurissa said it’s actually more difficult to date after being on Bachelor Nation shows because the pace of dating is so different outside the franchise.
She said, “It’s so much harder to date normally now in the real world after the pace of the show. It’s like if someone tells me I’m pretty, I’m ready to move in together and get married.”
Maurissa went on, saying, “Moving at a comfortable pace can be hard. Like, what is a comfortable pace? It depends on the relationship and the situation, like being trapped on a beach for six weeks together.”
And Natasha agreed that going at the same pace when it comes to dating is extremely important, but it’s also something she’s struggled with.
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Natasha related to Maurissa, saying, “If a guy is doing way too much, I’m like, ‘Hold on,’ and if a guy isn’t doing enough, I’m also like, ‘Hold on.’ It’s this constant push-and-pull game. I will say, maybe that’s why I’m still single. In the past, I’ve struggled with pace. I’ve never met someone where it felt like the best pace ever, it was always me adapting to what the guy wanted.”
Natasha also teased that she’s “still single for the purposes of this podcast,” meaning she may have some romance brewing that she’s not quite ready to share yet.
How exciting!
We’re hoping both Maurissa and Natasha find their people soon (if they haven’t already found them) and get the happy ending to their love stories.
To hear more of their conversation on the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” podcast, check out the full episode below.