June 03, 2022 • bachelor insider
Michelle Young Receives Support from ‘Click Bait’ Crew After Announcing She’s Leaving the Classroom

Bachelor Nation family is sending love.
Earlier this week, Michelle Young announced on the “Bachelor Happy Hour” podcast that she would be taking a step back from teaching next year.
During the episode, Michelle got choked up as she said, “As I sat and thought about it, it really highlighted the fact that there is so much going on in our education system and I really feel that as I move into this next year, I have decided to step out of the classroom. Bear with me, this is going to be emotional. I have decided to step out of the classroom.”
Michelle went on, sharing, “This doesn’t mean that I’m never going to step back into the classroom. This doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m not going to continue working towards my master’s in administration and potentially get back into that direct line of education. But this is me stepping away for a year to truly push forward and put all of my energy and efforts into my passion in a different way. I want to try to push for change. Being in the classroom and feeling that weight showed me that something has to be done.”
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Now, her Bachelor Nation family is showing her support as the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” co-hosts, Natasha Parker, Tia Booth, and Joe Amabile sent her some love.
Natasha started off, saying, “She mentioned how she doesn’t necessarily have to make the impact she’s trying to make in the classroom. She can make that impact outside of the classroom and make change that way as well. I think that’s really important to use her voice as a teacher in a more public way. It can definitely serve her students and so many others.”
And Joe agreed that he can make a big impact with her platform, but he admitted he was surprised by her announcement.
He chimed in, saying, “Just because she’s stepping back now doesn’t mean she won’t go back at some point.”
Tia also brought up Michelle’s burnout, which she talked about over the past two years and many other teachers can relate to.
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Tia said, “I know it’s hard to make that decision. I’m excited to see what’s to come for Michelle. I know it’s hard as hell to leave your safe space and comfort zone, but props to her for trying it out.”
Natasha shared what she’s manifesting for Michelle this next year, saying, “When I heard this, I envisioned Michelle Young and Michelle Obama teaming up and doing something for the children in a big way. That’s what came to my mind. I’m putting that into the universe for her, for Michelle and Michelle to do something crazy.”
Now that sounds incredible! We’d love to see it.
To hear more of this week’s “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” episode, check out the full podcast below.