September 01, 2022 • bachelor insider
Gabby Shares Exclusive Details About Her Relationship with Jason

Opening up.
Bachelorette Gabby Windey stopped by for an exclusive chat on the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” podcast.
She opened up about her remaining relationships on the show, and co-host Natasha Parker asked Gabby about her relationship with Jason.
Natasha asked Gabby to elaborate on what she meant about how she said she and Jason were so different.
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Gabby explained, “A lot of people wondered what I meant by saying me and Jason were very different. It’s hard because viewers are seeing only a portion of things. I looked at it way more intensely than just what you’re seeing, but Jason and I are just different in the sense that he’s much more reserved than I am. He was pretty open about the process being difficult for him, so that in general, I am more of an extrovert and I love attention. The way we connected was definitely because we were opposites. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.”
The Bachelorette went on and explained how Jason’s hometown date brought them closer together.
She said, “Meeting his family for the first time at Hometowns was so special because I got to know so much about him that he didn’t tell me. Having his family tell you what he was like growing up and what he’s like around his friends really painted a picture. Going into Jason’s Hometown, I asked his family if they thought we were too different in the way we move through the world. His family reassured me and that was so nice.”
Co-host Tia Booth also chimed in, asking Gabby what it was like hearing Jason say he wasn’t ready for a proposal in his confessional but not to Gabby herself.
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She said, “Hearing him say he wasn’t ready to get engaged was a little zing, like, ‘What?’ I can’t say I was really surprised, though. We just hadn’t really had the time or space to talk about it. Up until this point, we had our one-on-one and then time just disappeared. We didn’t have a comfortable space to sit down and talk about it. But it’s something that I knew if it were to come from someone, it would’ve been him.”
And while she and Jason might be different, co-host Joe Amabile asked Gabby if she typically dates people that have different personality types from her.
She said, “Yeah, in my previous dating life, I have been more attracted to more reserved guys. I like feeling like we can relax and it’s not a competition of who is entertaining the most. It comes from a place of confidence.”
To hear more of Gabby’s conversation with the “Click Bait” crew, check out the full episode below.