November 22, 2022 • bachelor insider
EXCLUSIVE: Victoria Fuller Reveals Her Exact Relationship Timeline with Greg Grippo

Opening up.
Bachelor Nation fans saw Victoria Fuller find love and get engaged to Johnny DePhillipo on Season 8 of “Bachelor in Paradise.”
Since their time on the show, Victoria and Johnny split up and Victoria started dating fellow Bachelor Nation star Greg Grippo.
Now, Victoria is sitting down exclusively with us at to discuss her relationship timeline with Greg and reveal how things went down from her perspective.
Check out our full interview with Victoria below.
Bachelor Nation: Thank you for joining us, Victoria! The “Paradise” reunion was an emotional roller coaster for you, Greg, and Johnny. Can you walk us through the full story of how your relationship with Greg came to be?
Victoria Fuller: Absolutely! Greg and I were really great friends leading up to where we are now. It was a really easy transition for us. We were both interested in one another, but we never really knew that. Nothing had ever happened between us before we started dating. We never even kissed. We hadn’t been on a date until we went to Italy. After I had completely broken up with Johnny, Greg called me and said he wanted to see where it could go. He called me and asked if I would be willing to go on a date with him in Italy. We didn’t want to go on a date in the U.S. because we didn’t want anyone to see us.

BN: That makes sense. So you didn’t anticipate that you’d get caught by Bachelor Nation fans overseas?
VF: Truly think about this for a second: We were in another country among millions of people. Who were we to think that we were going to get spotted? We’re not the Kardashians. We were in Europe during the off-season. By no means did we think we were going to get caught or spotted. We wouldn’t have gone there if we thought we would. That was our first time actually going on a date and we were seeing if we were a good match. And we were and we were able to see that we are super compatible and like each other a lot. He is officially my boyfriend now. He asked me out on Halloween. We are just very happy right now.
BN: We’re so glad to hear that! So what’s next for you and Greg? We know you live in different states; will one of you be moving?
VF: We still need to figure out where we both want to live right now. Our relationship is still very new and we’re just enjoying each other’s company right now. Last night was the first night we were allowed to sit on the same couch where people could see us. We are just excited to go on dates in public in America. We don’t know where we’re going to land, but we do want to be in the same place soon. We have very similar expectations as one another and know where we both want to go in life. We are both looking for something very serious. As of right now, we are taking each other into consideration. He knows I was looking for a husband and I want to start a family soon, so we are not taking this lightly.
BN: Sounds like you two are the real deal! What do you have to say to fans who are still questioning whether or not you cheated on Johnny?

VF: Every relationship and every breakup is hard, especially when it’s in the public eye. I would like to say to people that this was five months ago that we filmed and I am allowed to live my life. I deserve to be happy, as does Johnny, as does Greg. There was no crossover in timeline. Greg and I have been friends for a year and a half and it didn’t become romantic until we were able to explore the relationship, which was only a few weeks ago. It’s new, but because we built a relationship on a friendship, it’s been really easy to be so comfortable with him. That’s why it seems like it’s taken off fast. We had a year and a half to get to know each other.
BN: Absolutely. And do you have any regrets or final thoughts about “Paradise” and how it ended?
VF: I have no regrets on how “Paradise” ended. I always truly felt how I said I felt in the moment, especially with Johnny. I am in a new chapter of my life now and I wish Johnny the best, so I hope he finds love as well. For now, I’m just enjoying where I am at with Greg.