December 15, 2022 • bachelor insider
Astrid & Kevin Wendt Discuss Their Plans for More Kids, Fertility Journey, and More!

Opening up.
As fans recall, Bachelor Nation stars Astrid Loch and Kevin Wendt met on Season 5 of “Bachelor in Paradise,” and the two welcomed their first child together in 2021!
Then in October, Astrid and Kevin officially tied the knot after postponing their wedding twice due to COVID.
Now, the couple stopped by the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” podcast, where they discussed all things fertility, weddings, and more.
The two first discussed their wedding, with Astrid saying, “Our wedding day was magical. The planning part of it was really intense, but the day of it was all worth it. Joe, as you start planning, just try to remember that. It was the second-best day. I can’t say it was the best day because we have August, but second-best day for sure!”
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Kevin chimed in, sharing that they had originally planned their wedding for November 2020 but had to postpone twice due to COVID.
He said, “For the most part, they gave us leniency because our guest list was mostly from Germany and Canada, but for American weddings, they said as soon as we can have you, you better be here or you lose your deposit. We lucked out. They don’t give you your money back once you start planning a wedding, whether you have the wedding or not.”
Astrid said it ended up being a blessing in disguise because, “Now August was a part of our day and that’s something that wouldn’t have happened if it didn’t all get delayed. Those pictures are always going to be my favorite of the three of us.”
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Speaking of Auggy, the couple discussed their plans to have more children and Kevin got real about how challenging the IVF process is.
Kevin said, “It is so much effing work to have a child. We’re going in for our second IVF transfer in January, so hopefully we have a second by September, fingers crossed. We have two embryos left. We have two cracks at it for hopefully a sibling for August. And once they’re born, it is so much work. I go to the firehouse to relax. We are lucky on the sleep front, though. He’ll do the 7 to 7.”
Co-host Joe Amabile asked Astrid and Kevin how the IVF process works when it comes to trying to get pregnant again in January.
Astrid said, “I am literally picking up my medication for it next week. My next cycle, I start the meds and then I go in on day 10 to get my lining check and then they schedule me after that. Then they’d put a little frozen Wendt baby in there and hope for the best.”
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She also explained how they ended up with two more embryos, saying, “When we did IVF, we took my eggs and immediately inseminated them with his sperm to make the embryos. We had all those embryos tested and we had six good ones, and out of the six good ones, only three were actually grade A embryos that they thought would stick. The first one with the highest percentage of everything was August. The other two remained frozen after that. Now they are picking the second-strongest embryo.”
Kevin shared that hopefully one of these two embryos takes or they will have to start the difficult process over again.
“She’s gone through the hardest part, which was the retrieval and the fertilization. Now we just have two in the freezer basically and we get to try in January. If for some reason that doesn’t work, we try again in February, and if that doesn’t work, we have to start over,” Kevin explained.
We’re so excited for the Wendt family and hope this next round of IVF goes smoothly and Auggy can have a sibling!
To hear more of their conversation on the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” podcast, check out the full episode below.