January 26, 2023 • bachelor insider
‘The Bachelor’s’ Madison Says Watching Her Emotional Night 1 Was the ‘Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done’

Reflecting on the journey.
Bachelor Nation fans met Madison on night one of Zach’s season of “The Bachelor.”
While Zach and Madison had a good first conversation, it was clear the two didn’t have an initial spark when she went back to talk to him again.
Now, after being sent home before the Rose Ceremony on night one, Madison is stopping by the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” podcast to discuss her experience on the show.
Madison opened up to co-hosts Joe Amabile and Susie Evans about her excitement heading into the show and why she was looking forward to the experience.
She said, “It was exciting meeting him, and I don’t think I’ve ever experienced love at first sight. I definitely need to get to know someone in order to feel like I can begin investing myself into them. With that said, he yelled ‘Oofta’ at me as I was walking away and it got me a little excited. In that moment, I was like, ‘This is a real thing.’”
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Madison said that while she felt a connection at first, the nerves quickly kicked in when she walked into the mansion and saw all the other women.
Susie said she remembers that overwhelming feeling walking in, saying, “There’s no real rule book to what you’re supposed to do, and it can be overwhelming. The first night is unlike anything you’ve ever done in your life before.”
And Madison agreed with Susie, saying, “Overwhelming is the word that I would describe the night as. There are so many emotions, like excitement and nerves. I didn’t even know where to sit. I was getting in my head about everything. Looking back at the night as a whole, you want to continue to be your best self and put yourself out there, but I was so anxious and wanted time with him. There is so much happening that first night, but only so much is shown in the two-hour episode.”
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Madison also opened up about how watching night one back was actually harder for her than living it.
She explained, “The hardest thing I’ve ever done was not doing night one, but watching night one. Leading up to what it could possibly look like, we have no idea. We are watching for the first time with the rest of the world. I was physically sick. It is an experience you cannot even put into words. It has definitely been a rough 24, 48 hours.”
Madison went on, saying, “When you get feedback from people who don’t really know you and saw parts of you on this show, we have to remind ourselves that we are humans, so I am trying not to lose myself in the negativity that has come with what happened.”
Joe shared some words of wisdom with the new Bachelor Nation star, saying that it’s easy for people to pass judgment if they’ve never been through this experience, so to try to just laugh it off.
To hear more of Madison’s conversation on the “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” podcast, check out the full episode below.