April 26, 2023 • hometowns
Raven Gates & Adam Gottschalk Share Marriage Advice, Pet Peeves, Baby Naming Ideas, and More!

Spilling the tea!
Bachelor Nation fans got to know and love Raven Gates Gottschalk on Season 21 of “The Bachelor” and on Season 4 of “Bachelor in Paradise,” where she met her husband, Adam Gottschalk.
Raven and Adam are currently expecting their second child together, and the Bachelor Nation stars just took to Instagram for a Q&A with fans.
Raven posted a Q&A box and told fans to ask her anything, and one fan asked for marriage advice, as they’re getting married in June.
The Bachelor Nation star said, “The best marriage advice we were given is that marriage is not 50/50. It’s 100/100. There will be times where your partner will be at 1% and you’ll have to be the 99%. And vice versa. So we both need to strive to be our best & be 100/100 partners.”
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Raven also went on, saying, “Another favorite piece of advice is that - Life is hard enough. Find an easy love. Someone that makes things easier. Easy to love, easy to forgive. life will have its hard moments. Let the outside world have the problems. But between you & your partner, find the one that makes the hard times a little bit easier.”
What sweet advice!
Another fan asked Raven and Adam if they have any pet peeves about each other, and Raven brought Adam in for this question.
Adam said, “It’s when you put water in the dishes in the sink and leave it there instead of rinsing it out. You just leave it crusty!”
And Raven said, “My pet peeve about Adam is that he can’t sit down. He will stand up to eat. He just can’t relax. He does not know how to turn his mind off, which is a good thing in some parts of your life, but he just can’t slow down and it can be hard for him to enjoy a moment.”
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The two giggled in bed together as they discussed their pet peeves and then moved on to the next question, which is about naming baby #2.
A fan asked if they have their next baby name picked out and Raven said, “Lol we don’t agree either girl! You should see our text messages in the middle of the day ‘Do you like this name?’ ‘No.’ Lol. But we do have a name we’re both OKAY with, but nothing we love. Adam named Gates (even though it’s my maiden name) it was Adam who wanted to name him Gates. So I think I’ll just name this baby what I like!”
Love it! We can’t wait to meet the newest addition to their family and love Raven and Adam’s love for each other!