April 28, 2023 • bachelor insider
Hannah Brown Opens Up About ADHD Diagnosis and How Her Boyfriend Adam Supports Her

Getting candid.
Former Bachelorette Hannah Brown is opening up about her recent ADHD diagnosis and how her boyfriend Adam Woolard has supported her.
Hannah took to her Instagram Stories and said, “A lot of y’all were asking me more about my ADHD diagnosis and you really resonated with me talking about it briefly. People were asking what I take and how I got diagnosed and I really don’t want to share what I’m taking personally because I’m not a doctor and I don’t want to give any type of medical advice in that way. I think you definitely should go to your doctor and use what they’re telling you to use. You can also do research on your own.”
And while Hannah isn’t sharing what medication she takes, she does want to talk more about ADHD so others feel less alone.
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The former Bachelorette said, “I think it’s great to talk about, though, because it can feel really isolating sometimes when you’re like, ‘Why can’t I get any of this done and why can’t I form sentences?’ You feel dumb or lazy and it’s not that, we just have to figure out ways to set up systems for ourselves. For me, I have notes everywhere on my phone. I could probably be a little more organized but that is really hard for me, so to-do lists are really important to me.”
Hannah also shared how her boyfriend has shown up for her in ways that she didn’t even realize when it comes to her ADHD.
She shared, “Having dialogue with other people about it also really helps. Adam is so great. I didn’t realize, but he had been reading about ADHD and how to be with someone who has ADHD. We hadn’t discussed it, but he been reading about why I do all these things.”
Hannah said she’s thankful that her friends and team are also really supportive, patient, and understanding.
When it comes to her diagnosis, Hannah said she got diagnosed later in life, which isn’t uncommon for women.
Hannah shared, “As far as my diagnosis goes, I’ve probably had ADHD my entire life, but it’s different for men and women and shows up in different ways. I was always a high achiever and be my best, so I tried super, super hard. It always took me longer than everyone else to do things, but I just wanted to do well. I was a high achiever, so it didn’t really catch on.”
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But as she got older, she said it became a lot more obvious that she was having trouble managing her life without the structure of school and childhood.
Hannah said, “My therapist was the first that kind of questioned it and then I saw a psychiatrist who said that’s probably why I was having some of these problems. For me, I was like, ‘Oh, gosh, another diagnosis. What is wrong with me?’ But when I saw my brain scan with Dr. Amen, I think that helped me a lot.”
She went on, saying, “All the things that I struggle with, like PTSD, depression, sleep disorders, ADHD — all of those affect each other. So I have been trying to find a way to balance it all. Finding a doctor and therapist for medical advice has been so important. I don’t want to be a person you go to for medical advice, but I will share what’s helped me.”
We know that Hannah being open and candid about her mental health will help others struggling in similar ways.