October 18, 2023 • hometowns
Serena Pitt Reveals Her & Joe Amabile’s Plans for Babies, Home Ownership, and More!

Spilling the tea.
Last month, Joe Amabile and Serena Pitt tied the knot in front of family and friends in Charleston, South Carolina.
Since their big day, the couple has been posting moments from their wedding on social media and discussing their wedding story on their “Bachelor Happy Hour” podcast.
Now, Serena is answering fan questions about their future in a new Instagram Q&A.
She started off the Q&A by answering a question from a fan who asked when she and Joe are hoping to have kids.
Serena said, “It’s so funny because since our wedding, I have been getting this question SO MUCH from you guys!! A lot of people told me once you get married everyone asks about kids and they were definitely right… Transparently, not anytime soon, so you guys can put this out of your minds and out of the Q&As for a while.”
She went on, adding, “Also, I don’t know if Joe and I will or will not be open about our pregnancy journey when the time comes, so please keep that in mind.”

Serena answered another future planning question when a fan asked if they were considering home ownership.
She said, “Honestly, no, not right now! I know there are a lot of different options when it comes to buying versus renting, but for us right now, renting in NYC is the right fit!”
Serena continued, saying, “I don’t think that we will buy until we decide where we want to put down roots and find a home that we love but we aren’t there yet! For now, we’re just enjoying being NYC renters.”
And Serena discussed her and Joe’s wedding too and revealed that their wedding was “not sponsored” by brands.
She added that, “We had the opportunity to work with a few amazing brands for our wedding, but it was definitely not paid for by any brand or publication!”
We love how candid and honest Serena is and can’t get enough of her and Joe’s love.
Make sure to keep up with Joe and Serena on the “Bachelor Happy Hour” podcast every week!