March 18, 2024 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Starr: Find Out Her Hidden Talent and Bachelor Nation BFFs

Fans are getting to know Starr on Joey’s season of “The Bachelor,” and now she’s opening up exclusively to, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know Starr a little better below!
1. A taboo topic I love talking about is: Mental health, especially when it comes to children! As someone who works in mental health at a middle school, I see just how important it is to educate our children and support them! Our mental health matters and we should all be kinder to ourselves and to each other.
2. I think a celebrity couple that is the definition of #relationshipgoals is: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds for sure! I want someone who I can just laugh with and do life together! Their humor and admiration for each other always shows in any interview or interactions I see of them.

3. My guilty pleasure is: Warm cookies! I think about them often…
4. The best relationship advice I ever received was: To find the person who you can't live without and never settle. I'm a firm believer that we all will find our perfect person in perfect timing.
5. My zodiac sign is ___________ and my most [insert zodiac sign] trait would be: Sagittarius! I would say that my name screams Sagittarius... To me, "Starr Skyler" is a pretty accurate representation of the bold, adventurous personalities that Sagittarius' are known for.
6. My biggest pet peeve is: Slow drivers... I'm working on it, but nothing bothers me more than someone who drives like they don't have anywhere to be.
7. The first thing I do when I wake up is: Play music and put on a personal concert! I think it's important to start my day with good vibes and positive energy, so dancing in my mirror is definitely my way to do that.
8. The song that always gets me pumped up is: "Believe" by Cher! I listen to it almost every morning to hype me up for work.
9. My hidden talent is: I'll literally whip out my Britney Spears impression anywhere and everywhere... so i'm not sure if you would call that hidden, but it's definitely a talent.

10. The person that inspires me the most is: Definitely my little sister. Although she's eight years younger than me, she really is the wisest, purest, most beautiful soul that I know! She inspires me everyday to be a role model and someone who she would be proud to call her big sister.
11. The movie I’ve rewatched the most is: "50 First Dates"! It's my favorite movie and I just never get sick of it- the humor, the scenery, the romance.. all 10/10!
12. The most famous person who has slid into my DMs/followed me on social media is: I don't know if I can just throw names out there like that?? We can say that a few interesting people have slid…
13. The last thing I Googled is: "Can babies drink water?” Don't ask… and they can’t!
14. My favorite part of being on “The Bachelor” was: Meeting such amazing people! The women, the production team, and Joey are all such wonderful people who I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from, grow, and share this unique experience with.
15. Being on “The Bachelor” taught me: To be open to the idea of being vulnerable and finding love even in the craziest of circumstances! I learned so much about myself and what I want from a relationship during my time on the show. It was truly an unforgettable experience.
16. My celebrity crush is: Don't come for me... I am a Belieber until I die! Justin Bieber forever.

17. My advice for anyone who goes on “The Bachelor” is: Be your true authentic self and make the most of your experience! Yes, there may be 30+ women, but there's only one of you! Your journey matters, so make it one that you will never forget.
18. If I had to hang out with only three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of my life, it would be: Jenn, Edwina, and Rachel! They are my IT girls!! I love surrounding myself with confident, intelligent women and those three definitely are both of those things.

19. Something I still have from my time on “The Bachelor” is: My name tag from my bunk bed in the Bachelor Mansion! Seeing my name on my bed definitely made the experience so real for me. I wouldn't trade my time in the house for the world!
20. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: I see myself happy, healthy, and feeling loved! I don't like to predict too much into the future because I think it takes away from the beauty of the unknown.