June 20, 2021 • bachelor insider
Happy Father's Day! Bachelor Nation Dads Reflect on the 'Unique Gift' of Raising Kids

There’s nothing quite like the love a father has for his child — and the dads of Bachelor Nation can attest.
To celebrate Father’s Day, dads across the franchise chatted exclusively with BachelorNation.com, contemplating the joys of fatherhood and sharing future hopes for their families.
As Michael Allio (“The Bachelorette” Season 17) puts it, becoming a dad is a “unique gift,” as it allows one to “see the world again through a child’s eyes.” Meanwhile, Kenny King (“The Bachelorette” Season 13) calls it “the most important job.”
Every dad has a different story. For instance, Blake Julian (“The Bachelorette” Season 7) adopted daughter Poppy Marie in 2019 with wife Holly Julian — whom he met on “Bachelor Pad” Season 2 — following a series of fertility struggles. “My wife and I waited seven years for our little angel to join our family,” he says.
And then, of course, there are dads-to-be who are yearning to take on the role. Kevin Wendt is counting down the days until he and fiancée Astrid Loch — who met on “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 5 — welcome their bundle of joy this fall after a long journey with in vitro fertilization (IVF). “Astrid and I can’t wait to start this exciting new chapter as parents,” he gushes.
Read on for more sweet stories and touching reflections from our Bachelor Nation dads!
Ben Zorn, Dad to Logan
“The Bachelorette” Season 11, “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 4

What has life been like since welcoming Logan?
It’s been crazy! We’re loving every minute of it, though. It’s definitely been a whirlwind of changes with the lack of sleep, changing diapers, and learning what makes him tick. But it’s worth every moment.
What has surprised you most about fatherhood?
What surprised me most was how every baby is so different. I’ve talked to friends and family about kids and they all give their two cents, which is great, but there’s so much advice and you just have to sort through what works for you and your baby.
What is your favorite part of fatherhood?
My favorite part of being a dad so far has been the skin-to-skin contact we do. He just falls asleep on my chest and it’s the cutest thing. I never expected the amount of emotions and feels that would give me! Having a family has always been a dream of mine.
How has fatherhood changed you?
It’s something that never really affected me before, but watching commercials or backstories of people on shows like “American Idol” and seeing a father-son interaction makes me a little teary-eyed now. Seeing how proud some of the fathers are of their kids makes me so happy, and I can’t wait to be in that position with Logan.
What milestones are you most looking forward to in the future?
The milestones I’m looking forward to the most are pretty much any sporting activity. I can’t wait to teach him how to play golf, throw a football, or play baseball — or just exercise in general. [My fiancée] Stacy [Santilena] and I have both talked about how it’s exciting to think one day he will have a family of his own. That’s looking a little far ahead, but we’re definitely excited about that as well!
Blake Julian, Dad to Poppy Marie
“The Bachelorette” Season 7, “Bachelor Pad” Season 2

What would be your ideal Father’s Day celebration?
My wife and I waited seven years for our little angel to join our family. Just the fact that I get to call myself a father is celebration enough.
What does being a dad mean to you?
It means so many things: responsibility, unconditional love, hearing the sweetest laughter in the whole world. And, also, less time for golf.
What is your proudest moment as a dad?
It sounds weird, but it’s actually the small things. I always feel especially proud when Poppy falls down. She doesn’t spend time feeling sorry for herself, or even cry — usually. She just picks herself right back up and keeps on going. She’s gonna be one tough woman, and I love that about her!
How would Poppy describe you as a dad?
Poppy can’t say much yet — but if she could, she would probably describe me as the best jungle gym ever. Also, her stunt coordinator, as she is an adrenaline junkie already.
Will you let Poppy watch your Bachelor Nation journey one day?
If she wants to, I suppose so. I think she would enjoy seeing her mom and I meet for the first time and fall in love. We even got engaged on the show, so I’ve got to imagine she would enjoy witnessing those milestones. But I’ll be there with my finger on the fast-forward button, just in case.
Chris Lambton, Dad to Lyla and Hayes
“The Bachelorette” Season 6

What would be your ideal Father’s Day celebration?
On the beach with my wife, Peyton [Wright Lambton], and our two kids.
What does being a dad mean to you?
It means when they are old enough, free laborers for my landscaping company. That’s exactly what my dad had me and my brothers do. Earn our keep!
How has fatherhood changed you?
Being a parent means your kids are the most important thing in your life — other than your wife.
What has surprised you most about fatherhood?
That I now never get a meal to eat all by myself. It never fails that one or both of my kids want to sit on my lap and help eat my dinner. I mean, it’s the same thing they are having, but it just tastes better off of my plate, I guess.
Will you let your kids watch your Bachelor Nation journey one day?
Yes. I’m proud of it and the people I met on it!
Diggy Moreland, Dad to Teddie
“The Bachelorette” Season 13, “Bachelor in Paradise” Seasons 4 and 5

What does being a dad mean to you?
It means the world to me! I get to raise someone to be great — but at the same time, change the narrative for the future.
How do you think fatherhood will change you?
I think it’ll make me see things through a different set of lenses. I’ll no longer probably live life on a whim — as much. I’ll now start to think how my actions will affect Teddie.
What kind of dad do you hope to be?
I hope to be the dad that can relate to their kids and be there when needed. However, I want to make sure I’m stern, but not forceful.
As a dad, what do you hope to teach Teddie.
As a dad, I hope to teach my daughter empathy and kindness. There’s not a lot of that in the world!
Will you let your children watch your Bachelor Nation journey one day?
Yes, probably. Because honestly, without Bachelor Nation, I’m not sure she would exist!
Evan Bass, Dad to Bella, Charlie, Nathan, Liam, and Ensley
“The Bachelorette” Season 12, “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 3

What does being a dad mean to you?
Being a father to my children brings me more joy than anything else — owning a Guinness World Record is a close second. Fatherhood means giving my kids a legacy built on an endless supply of strength, support, and care so they will shine brightly and love no matter what life throws their way. I want to hug and hold them enough so that they can run into adulthood powerfully and bravely because of the passionate and relentless love from their daddy.
How has fatherhood changed you?
Fatherhood has made me slow down and enjoy life to a greater degree than I ever thought possible. I’ve always been all over the map in many ways, but my children have centered me and helped me find my true north. My life is now all about helping them achieve their goals. And every moment is truly special, unique, and awe inspiring. Being a cheerleader, coach, and watching them grow into amazingness is far better than anything I could ever accomplish in my life. Also, my back always hurts.
What has surprised you most about fatherhood?
My children are a unique group. I adopted Nathan when he was 2, had Liam when I was 21, and then started all over again — special thanks to “Bachelor in Paradise” — with a daughter at 35. What has amazed me is the kids’ undying love for each other and togetherness. To see how close they are, despite the age differences, is one of the biggest surprises of my life.
How would your kids describe you as a dad?
My kids would describe me as the fun dad. I’m always looking for our next adventure. I’m also a little stressed all the time trying to fit in all these grand adventures. So, I can be a little forgetful, but I like to think I always come through when it matters most.
Will you let your kids watch your Bachelor Nation journey one day?
One hundred percent, yes. The older boys have already seen it. You would think it would make me the cool dad, but that has not been the case. I can’t wait to watch it back with Bella and [Charlie] and let them see where it all started and why they exist. Bella watched “The Bachelorette” the other night and loved the cat man [Connor B.] and I told her I was on that show once. But she didn’t care because I didn’t dress as a cat. Hopefully, that changes.
Hunter Montgomery, Dad to Madison and Bennett
“The Bachelorette” Season 17

What does being a dad mean to you?
Being a good dad means a lot of different things. I think the biggest thing for me is that I want my kids to know that I am here to protect and love them — no matter what. Being a good dad is about being able to make memories with my kids. An equally important part of being a good dad is educating and teaching your kids about life; teaching them that how we treat each other is important; teaching them that the words we say matter, and actions matter even more.
How has fatherhood changed you?
Fatherhood has taught me a lot about myself. I have learned that there are strengths I have that I never knew existed, and also weaknesses that had been hiding. Fatherhood has really reminded me how incredibly lucky I am to have the amazing parents I do. It has taught me that maybe they were right — about a lot! But most importantly, fatherhood has taught me that unconditional love absolutely exists, and that you truly will do anything for your children.
What is your favorite part of fatherhood?
My favorite part of fatherhood is when my son and daughter tell me stories. They are so excited to involve me, and tell me about their lives, and it is one moment when I know that the person talking to me cares about nothing else other than making sure I listen and hear them. Kids are genuine, and brutally honest. Getting to talk and interact with them is the best part of fatherhood.
What has surprised you most about fatherhood?
The thing that has surprised me most about fatherhood is the natural instinct you gain when you become a parent. Their mother and I were both terrified about certain aspects of parenthood. We felt like we did not know anything. But people told us that things will just fall into place, and they were right. You learn to perfect certain aspects of parenting, naturally. It really is an incredible aspect of fatherhood.
How would your kids describe you as a dad?
My kids would describe me as goofy, hungry, fun, and loving. They would probably make fun of me a little bit — but tie it off with something sweet.
Kenny King, Dad to Makenzi
“The Bachelorette” Season 13, “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 5

What does being a dad mean to you?
Everything. Fatherhood is the most important job I’ve ever had. It’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done.
How has fatherhood changed you?
It has changed my perspective. My focus used to be about myself and what I was going to do next. Now everything is about what can I do for us? How is this move I’m making going to affect her? It’s a whole mental shift.
What has surprised you most about fatherhood?
How dads seem to have an idea and a playbook for everything — but really, we are just winging it.
As a dad, what do you hope to teach Makenzi?
I hope to teach fairness, respect, self-love, compassion for others, discipline, and humor.
What is your proudest moment as a dad?
Getting to show the world how amazing Makenzi is [on “The Bachelorette”].
Kevin Wendt, Dad-to-Be
“The Bachelorette Canada” Season 1, “The Bachelor Winter Games,” “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 5

How do you envision yourself as a dad?
I think I’ll probably be a bit of the pushover dad. (Laughs) I don’t want to be! But I can already kind of feel like I’ll be the dad who stops for ice cream and says, “Don’t tell your mother.” … I’ll probably be the one who does a lot of the heavy punishment. I feel like it’s going to be the “you don’t wanna make Daddy mad” kind of thing. Day to day, Astrid will be the one hounding them about the clothes on the ground or cleaning their room and brushing their teeth, that kind of stuff.
When did you know you wanted to become a dad?
No matter what experiences we’d been through in life, [Astrid and I] were both most excited to be parents and have a family. When I went to “Paradise,” I was in my 30s, so I had friends who were already taking their kids to hockey practice or going to ballet lessons. I always thought to myself, “That’s the part of life I’m most looking forward to.”
After your baby arrives this fall, are you and Astrid looking forward to having more kids?
We want to have two or three kids, and this is just the start of how we both see our forever, as a family. Astrid and I can’t wait to start this exciting new chapter as parents.
After going through your IVF journey together, how would you describe the relief you and Astrid felt when you found out she was pregnant?
We just had this moment where we could take this big sigh of relief. We were finally pregnant, but we wanted to make sure that all of those women who are maybe not so lucky — like we were — were heard when we made our announcement. Infertility is a tough thing.
I would imagine that this entire experience brought you and Astrid closer. How would you say your IVF journey has strengthened your relationship?
We wanted to have a baby before the pandemic even hit, so I think this was just another curveball that we had to endure. The year that we had was a bit hectic. We sold our first home, we bought our next home, we adopted our puppy [Ace], and we went through a year of IVF. So, I feel like after this year, next year — besides having a newborn — we should relax a bit. We always saw the end game of having this eventually work itself out. We’re definitely a lot closer now than we were when we started. But before you can really try and go through the medical way to assist yourself getting pregnant, you have to be very close to start with.
Michael Allio, Dad to James
“The Bachelorette” Season 17

What does being a dad mean to you?
It tests me in ways I’d never thought possible. And yet, through it all, it is hands down the most rewarding and satisfying role I will ever have. For those lucky enough to hold the title, fatherhood grants us a unique gift — to experience the world again through a child’s eyes. To see our world as it was always intended to be seen: through the watchful, inquisitive, and kind eyes of a child. I guess magic is real after all.
How has fatherhood changed you?
I used to have a lot more energy. Now I don’t. Does that count?
What is your favorite part of fatherhood?
My favorite part of fatherhood is getting to wear the cape. Hopefully, I always remain a superhero in his eyes.
What has surprised you most about fatherhood?
No matter how much I predict, prepare, and plan, life doesn’t care. My advice is to find the humor in everything, be OK with things not being OK, and never allow the stresses of tomorrow steal your today.
As a dad, what do you hope to teach James?
I hope to teach him, through my own actions, about the importance of serving something greater than yourself. So many people are in desperate need of the beautiful gift of you. Don’t keep them waiting.