September 23, 2021 • hometowns
‘Click Bait’: Tayshia Adams Praises Katie & Blake for Publicly Discussing Adoption, Vasectomies, and More

As always, “Click Bait with Bachelor Nation” hosts Tayshia Adams, Natasha Parker, and Joe Amabile dug deep into the week’s biggest stories during their Bachelor Nation Breakdown.
One of the stories they covered was former Bachelorette Katie Thurston and her fiancé Blake Moynes’ openness about discussing their future and family planning.
As a fellow former Bachelorette who also got engaged on her season, Tayshia weighed in on the topic, saying, “Once you get engaged on the show, everyone’s always asking, ‘So when’s the wedding and when are you going to have kids and when are you gonna make babies?’ And you’re like, ‘Actually I am just trying to date this person and not date multiple people at the same time, so can you just hold on one second?’”
Tayshia went on to praise Katie and Blake for talking publicly about adoption and potentially not even having kids.
“I love that they’re having the conversations about what their future might look like. Does it look like adoption, does it look like having kids, does it look like not having kids? And the fact that they’re being very open about it is something we should appreciate,” the Bachelor Nation star said.
Tayshia explained why it’s so important that Katie and Blake are being so honest about their future with their large audience.
“I think it’s a really good conversation for them to be so open about, especially with their fan base being younger and just bringing awareness to being okay with possibly not having children and adopting,” she said. “I think adoption is amazing, and I think that there are so many kids in the world that need loving homes, and if people are more open to that, we can really help millions of lives.”
Joe and Natasha both agreed that “adoption is beautiful,” with Natasha adding, “I totally dig it. Adoption is beautiful, and just the outlook on bringing more children into the world versus adopting and the fact that they’re being open about that is amazing.”
Tayshia noted that when it comes to constantly pressuring couples and asking when they are planning to have kids isn’t fair when they’re still trying to learn and grow as a unit.
The former Bachelorette said, “I feel like those are conversations that people should let happen organically. We shouldn’t really be put under pressure about when we’re doing this. I know everybody is excited for it, but I just think it’s really cool that they were so vulnerable and open.”
Major props to Katie and Blake for having such honest conversations in the public eye.
To hear more of Tayshia, Natasha, and Joe’s conversation, check out the latest episode of “Click Bait” below.