January 04, 2022 • bachelor insider
Jesse Palmer Shares Why He Thinks Clayton Is a Great Bachelor, Plus: The Special Advice He Gave Clayton

“The Bachelor” is back!
Clayton Echard’s journey as the Bachelor has officially begun and he’s got former Bachelor Jesse Palmer by his side as the host of his season.
After Monday night’s premiere, Jesse stopped by the “Bachelor Happy Hour” podcast to share his feelings about the season.
Jesse revealed why he thinks Clayton is such a great Bachelor and he shared the special piece of advice he gave Clayton before he kicked off his journey.
The Season 26 host shared, “One of the things I really appreciate about Clayton is that if he needs help, he’s not afraid to ask for it. For a guy, especially a former football player, that’s kind of unique. We’re always taught to figure it out on our own and be alpha, but Clayton had a lot of questions coming into this and didn’t always have the answers and wasn’t afraid to ask.”
Jesse continued, saying, “I thought it was really wholesome and refreshing that Clayton had no problem at any point pulling me aside to say that he didn’t know what to do and asked if this had ever happened. He would bounce questions off me, and I know it’s not easy, especially for a lot of men and certainly one in that role. You’re the Bachelor, you’re supposed to have all the answers, and he’s really sincere and sweet. It caught me off guard, and it’s what I was most impressed with as well.”

And when it comes to what advice former Bachelor Jesse gave Clayton, he said he shared the obvious tips, like being yourself and being vulnerable, but there was one special piece of advice he offered.
Jesse said, “I told him to not be lazy. What I mean by that, I think sometimes as the lead, you can sort of rest on your laurels a little bit. You could be like ‘I’m the Bachelor, I’m the man. All these women are going to have to come over and grab me to talk to me. They are going to have to chase me.’”
He continued, “But what I encouraged him to do was to be aggressive and show interest. Just because you’re the Bachelor, it doesn’t guarantee that anyone is going to fall in love with you. You have to show your best self and really have to make that effort.”
Jesse shared that he thinks Clayton “did a great job” at taking this piece of advice, which Jesse said was particularly important because many of these women had only seen a picture of Clayton before filming started.
Jesse explained, “You have to remember that a lot of these women had never even seen Clayton until they got out of the limo. Michelle’s season didn’t air until actually we had already started filming. So more than ever, it wasn’t like they knew all about him. There were a lot of real moments right away. Like when they each got out of the limo, there were either connections or there weren’t and that was genuine because they just hadn’t seen him.”
To hear more of Jesse’s conversation on the “Bachelor Happy Hour” podcast, check out the full episode below.