January 12, 2022 • bachelor insider
Clayton Echard Appears on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’ and Jimmy Predicts Who His Final Four Women Might Be

Clayton Echard was put in the hot seat!
Bachelor Clayton stopped by “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” earlier this week and was grilled by Jimmy about his season, finishing eighth on “The Bachelorette,” and which women are in his final four.
Jimmy asked Clayton what his younger brothers Pat and Nate think of him being the Bachelor, and Clayton shared, “It was a full-on roast session when I told them.”
But Clayton revealed that his brother Nate has now been using the fact that his brother is the Bachelor as a pickup line when he goes to bars.
Jimmy jokingly asked if Clayton has considered setting his brothers up with any of the women he sent home but followed up with, “It’s a bad idea. I just thought I’d throw it out there.”
Every season, Jimmy Kimmel shares his wife Molly’s guesses for who is going to be in the final four, and he revealed that she has correctly predicted seven out of the last nine winners.
So he shared Molly’s picks with Clayton and tried to guess if he was right based on Clayton’s facial expressions.
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Jimmy started off by saying, “Serene is going to be in your final four. You kissed her. It was a long kiss, and she called it perfect.”
Next, the late night host said, “Then there’s Teddi. She’s a nurse and she seems real nice. Obviously attractive, and you gave her the First Impression Rose and you said the spark was absolutely there.”
He went on, adding, “Rachel is a funny blonde who seems to have a good personality. Rachel will be in your top two.”
And Jimmy concluded, “But your number one pick according to my wife Molly is Susie the wedding videographer.”
Clayton kept a stone-cold straight face through it all, and Jimmy said he actually seemed more nervous than Clayton did.
So while Clayton didn’t reveal any spoilers, Jimmy’s guesses are officially in, and we’ll have to revisit this list at the end of this season!
Make sure to tune in each week on Monday at 8 p.m. on ABC or stream on Hulu to find out how Clayton’s season unfolds.
And check out Clayton’s full interview with Jimmy Kimmel below.