February 03, 2022 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Sarah: Find Out Where She Sees Herself in 5 Years, Plus: Which Bachelor Nation Couple She Thinks Is #RelationshipGoals

Fans are getting to know Sarah on Clayton’s season of “The Bachelor,” and she made a great first impression on Bachelor Nation.
She received last week’s one-on-one date and received a rose from Clayton after their honest conversation
Sarah opened up about her adoption and then stopped by the “Bachelor Happy Hour” podcast, where she discussed this experience in more detail.
The Bachelor Nation star revealed that Clayton taking the time to listen to her story was extremely important to her.
Sarah explained, “When I felt very heard and understood by Clayton, it was just that much more special because it was something that I had always been lacking. Especially after just a first date with him, it meant a lot that I felt safe being able to open up and share that with him. It’s often something that you don’t want to dump on someone when you first meet them because it’s a more personal thing. It meant a lot to me that I was able to share that with him.”
And there’s still a lot to learn about Sarah that we haven’t seen yet on-screen.
Here, she opens up exclusively to BachelorNation.com, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know Sarah a little better below!
1. A taboo topic I love talking about is: Managing money — it’s so important to be educated on fiscal responsibility to be able to live the life you want and plan for your future!
2. I think a celebrity couple that is the definition of #relationshipgoals is:Sean and Catherine Lowe! The way they lovingly roast each other (and their kids) is #goals. They have the cutest family ever.

3. My guilty pleasure is: Ordering delivery. It’s just too easy!
4. The best relationship advice I ever received was: Love yourself before attempting to love someone else. What’s meant to be will be. And be with the person you can’t live without.
5. My zodiac sign is ___________ and my most [insert zodiac sign] trait would be: Taurus — I love to indulge! Give me all the glamour, spa days, and adventurous trips. I can also be a bit stubborn but am dependable and loyal to those I love.
6. My biggest pet peeve is: Mean girls. Just be nice to each other. Also, people who crowd the aisle immediately when the plane lands.
7. The first thing I do when I wake up is: Hit snooze! I’m not a big morning person. We’re working on it, though I may just be an eternal night owl.
8. My last meal on earth would be: Anything followed by my grandmother’s banana pudding or apple dumplings. Can you tell I have a sweet tooth?

9. My hidden talent is: Packing. I can organize three months’ worth of clothes into one suitcase. My friends can attest!
10. My current phone screen saver is: Admittedly, it’s the Apple default screen. 🤦🏻♀️ I should probably update it to something inspiring, like a mood board for 2022.
11. The person that inspires me the most is: Both of my parents — my dad manages multiple philanthropic roles while being an attorney. My mom is also an attorney, all while keeping everything together for the rest of us! They’re also the most generous and kind people you’ll meet.
12. The movie I’ve rewatched the most is: “The Parent Trap” or “The Devil Wears Prada.”

13. The most famous person who has slid into my DMs/followed me on social media is: Probably my ex 👀.
14. My favorite part of being on “The Bachelor” was: The moments when we laughed until we cried! This was basically a daily occurrence.
15. Being on “The Bachelor” taught me: To live every day as my authentic self. That being honest and always leading with kindness is essential. And I’m a lot stronger than I thought I was.
16. My celebrity crush is: Ashton Kutcher.

17. My advice for anyone who goes on “The Bachelor” is: Try your best to cancel out the noise and focus on yourself. Be vulnerable, and be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there on a national TV show.
18. If I had to hang out with only three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of my life, it would be: I’ve yet to meet a lot of people from Bachelor Nation, but I’d have to say — Kit Keenan, Becca Kufrin, and Holly Julian.

19. Something I still have from my time on “The Bachelor” is: My journal that I wrote in daily. And my first group date rose that’s pressed between some pages.
20. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: In a happy and healthy relationship with someone I love, who makes me laugh, and is the perfect match for my weirdness. Traveling and seeing the world as much as possible. Building my career. And helping those around me in an impactful way.