March 23, 2021 • bachelor insider
Lisa Frank, Spice Girls, and Pizza Rolls! Becca Kufrin & Rachel Lindsay Dish on Their Favorite '90s Nostalgia

During this week’s episode of “Bachelor Happy Hour,” co-hosts Becca Kufrin and Rachel Lindsay took a fun trip down memory lane.
The former Bachelorettes waxed nostalgic while discussing their favorite childhood ’90s memories — including Lisa Frank, the Spice Girls, and pizza rolls.
“I actually tried looking for a Lisa Frank face mask recently,” Becca said, revealing that it’s difficult to track down an adult-friendly version to keep her safe from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. “I found one, but it was a kid size and I’m like, ‘Oh, shoot, that’s not gonna fit my face.’”
Reflecting back on her childhood, the Minnesota native said that a Lisa Frank backpack was a must at the start of every schoolyear.
“I used to get a backpack every year and it would get so cold in Minnesota that they would crack because it was like that plastic material that they would always crack,” Becca recalled. “So my mom would get me one at the start of the year and then it would break within a week or two and then she would get me a JanSport one.”
Rachel said that she was equally obsessed with Lisa Frank. “There’s just something beautiful and bright about Lisa Frank,” said the Bachelor Nation star. “And we all had to have it, as tacky as that stuff was. We all had to have it. It was just colorful s--t.”
However, Rachel said that, above all else, what she cherishes most about the ’90s is the music it spawned. “‘Mr. Jones,’ ‘Wonderwall,’ ‘The Sign,’ ‘Lovefool’?” she said, listing some of her favorite hits. “Remember all that?”
That’s when Becca broke out into her own rendition of Ace of Base’s 1993 smash “The Sign.”
It wasn’t long before she and Rachel named their No. 1 ’90s musicians, though: girl power pioneers Emma “Baby Spice” Bunton, Geri “Ginger Spice” Halliwell, Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham, Melanie “Sporty Spice” Chisholm, and Melanie “Scary Spice” Brown — better known as the Spice Girls.
“Spice Girls, a thousand percent. When I think of ’90s, that’s what I think about,” said Becca, who, as a kid, pretended to be Sporty, while Rachel identified with Scary.
Rachel said that her favorite Spice Girls song has to be their debut single, “Wannabe,” which has left an indelible mark on pop music since its 1996 release. “I knew the rap and I thought I was so cool,” said the “Extra” correspondent. “And obviously it was Scary rapping.”
Naturally, this admission prompted Rachel and Becca to indulge in a spirited Spice Girls jam session, belting out other memorable tunes from the British girl group such as “2 Become 1,” “Stop,” and “Viva Forever.”
“I love the ’90s because it takes me back. Doesn’t it take you back to being young, dancing with your friends, having a slumber party, no responsibilities, not a care in the world, just like a carefree time?” reminisced Rachel, who was born in 1985.
Becca, who was born in 1990, agreed, adding that her blithe consumption of pizza rolls make her think of the decade even more fondly. “Yes,” she said. “Eating pizza rolls like it’s no one’s business, like it’s not going to stay on your hips for life.”
Listen to the latest edition of “Bachelor Happy Hour” below.