August 29, 2022 • bachelor insider
EXCLUSIVE: ‘The Bachelorette’ Men Discuss ‘Men Tell All’ and Reveal If They Would’ve Done Anything Differently

Dishing on this week’s episode!
Bachelor Nation fans saw this season’s “Men Tell All” episode unfold, and now, Gabby and Rachel’s men are opening up about their Bachelorette journey.
Logan, Tyler, Mario, and Meatball stopped by for an exclusive chat with, where they revealed what they learned about themselves on the show and whether they have any regrets.
Check out their full interview below!
Bachelor Nation: What did you learn about yourself on your Bachelorette journey?
Logan: The big growing point for me has been to make my intentions immediately clearer and to speak something right when I feel it. I’m the kind of guy who sleeps on things and takes time to digest something before I make my feelings known. But this experience has taught me that when you feel something to vocalize it. If you have an instinct, speak on it, because if you don’t, a couple weeks can go by and when it’s involving people’s feelings. Before you know it, you hurt someone and you didn’t mean to.
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Mario: Man, this is going to sound weird, but I would say that I have more gifts within me and more abilities than I thought I did. To be able to sit down and hold a conversation with a woman while processing so many emotions about other guys and with cameras around, it takes a special confidence. It takes a special openness to be able to do that. I guess I am giving myself a pat on the back. It’s very vulnerable. I would even put my awkward kisses with Gabby in that category. We have to watch those moments and process!
Tyler: The biggest thing I learned from this experience is that I’m never going to change how I go into a relationship. I’m always going to put my full self out there and put my whole heart out there for somebody. If it doesn’t work out, then it wasn’t my person, but eventually, I know someone will accept me for me and give back exactly what I give them.
Meatball: I learned to be more decisive and to go after what I want. I learned a lot about myself in general. I learned that I really want to start a family and have kids, so I am still hoping my person is out there.
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BN: Would you have done anything differently now that you’ve watched the show back?
Logan: I still am glad that I made it clear that Gabby was the person I saw a commitment with. I don’t regret that. But I do wish I had done it in a fashion that affected less people. When I look at the canceled group dates and how hard it was on Rachel, I wish that I had found a better time and place to have that conversation. It’s hard to find those conversations in this world, but maybe at the mansion when we had our first interactions, I could’ve said something then. That’s the regret, but overall, I don’t regret making the switch.
Meatball: It was a great experience. The only regret I have is denying that rose from Rachel at the Rose Ceremony. I should have been more decisive at that moment.
Tyler: It didn’t end the way I wanted it to, but there’s not one thing where I look back and say to myself that I wish I did this or that. I put my whole heart out there and I really did everything I could. My plan every day was to put a smile on Rachel’s face, and I felt like I did that. It wasn’t me at the end of the day. I was just happy I was able to be my full self and give my full self to somebody. Seeing the other relationships develop while watching it back gave me a better understanding of why it didn’t work out. I was well behind other people.
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BN: Do you think your “Bachelorette” experience will change how you move through dating going forward?
Mario: It gave me more confidence, to be honest. I was in front of all these people and really put myself out there. I feel like my ability to speak and communicate with someone is actually even stronger than what it was. I have a new confidence moving forward and it makes me not want to back down from anyone that might pique my interest. Nobody wants to be rejected, but it gives me a newfound confidence.
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Logan: Absolutely. My dating experience has already vastly changed. I was unintentionally callous with the way I dated before. I think it falls under the same boat of not letting my intentions be known right away. I think I have accidentally strung people along in a way that I didn’t intend to by not saying if I really liked them or if I didn’t think it was going anywhere. That’s a lesson I am going to bring into the real world. I want people to know what I’m thinking. I need to get out of my own head.
BN: Do you have a favorite memory from your time on “The Bachelorette?”
Tyler: My best memory was when I read my poem. Being able to be vulnerable for the first time in front of everyone with all the guys and Rachel there in that environment, I was very proud of myself for doing that and taking that leap.
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Logan: I made a couple really good friends who I think will be in my life for a while. Tino and Erich are two guys who I think will be in my life for a while. They are stand-up guys and I know they are still in the picture right now, so that just makes me feel a little bit better. Two guys that I know are really good men are still in the race. I know that Gabby and Rachel are excellent people, so it’s good to know those are two gentlemen still vying for their hearts.
BN: Is there anything you wish Bachelor Nation fans knew about you that they didn’t get to see?
Mario: I have depth to me. I communicated that a bit in the first episode, but there is just this stigma that men can’t be open and emotional, but I feel like I can. The way that I process things is different and I wear my heart on my sleeve. I am very open about who I am, and I wish I got a chance to be more open and vulnerable with Gabby in that way.