September 07, 2021 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with DeAnna Stagliano: Get to Know the Bachelor Nation Star a Bit Better!

DeAnna Stagliano is one of the brightest stars in the Bachelor Nation universe.
After competing for Brad Womack’s heart on “The Bachelor” Season 11 in 2007, she went on to lead “The Bachelorette” Season 4 in 2008. However, she ultimately handed out her final rose off-camera to now-husband Stephen Stagliano, the brother of franchise star Michael Stagliano.
During a June appearance on the “Click Bait” podcast, DeAnna spoke in detail about her reality TV experiences and her life as a happily married mom of two. Still, there is so much more to know about the former Bachelorette.
Here, she talks to again, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know DeAnna a bit better below!
1. What is a taboo topic you love talking about? Personal relationship issues. Things aren’t always roses and champagne!
2. What celebrity couple is your definition of #relationshipgoals? Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks.

3. What is your guilty pleasure? Wine. And “Outlander.” And chips and salsa. It’s a combo.
4. What is the best relationship advice you’ve ever received? There will be storms in your marriage. Decide how committed you are to weathering those storms together and hold on to each other when going through them. Communication is key in everything!
5. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Snuggle my babies, Addison and Austin. THEN COFFEE because they wake up early for those snuggles!

6. What is your zodiac sign and how do you embody it? I’m a Scorpio and my strongest Scorpio trait is my loyalty as well as my honesty.
7. What is your biggest pet peeve? Not making eye contact when you are speaking to someone.
8. What would you want your last meal on earth to be? Sushi with a side of chips and salsa. Strange combo, I know.

9. Who inspires you the most? My mother. She passed when I was 12 from cancer. Still to this day, I admire her strength and will to carry on and fight to her death for her children.
10. What is the one movie you’ve rewatched the most? “The Notebook.” Or “Stepbrothers.” I will always watch those two when they are on TV!

11. What is the last thing you Googled? Low-carb breakfast recipes. I’m always looking for new recipes for when I cook for my job.
12. What was your favorite part of being on “The Bachelor”? The incredible dates. Probably some of the coolest things I’ve ever and will ever get to do outside of a television show! Who takes a helicopter to dinner?!
13. What did being on “The Bachelor” teach you? Being on “The Bachelor” taught me a lot of grace while also feeling secure of what I want... and the strength in standing up for what I know is right for me.
14. Who is your Bachelor Nation crush? Ben Higgins. He’s such a nice guy!

15. What advice would you give future “Bachelor” contestants? Stay true to yourself and remember this is a blip in time. Please don’t let it go to your head!
16. If you could only hang out with three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Trista Sutter because she’s so kind and gracious, Desiree Siegfried because we are kindred spirits, and McCarten (Delaney) Spears because she became my friend for life when we filmed “The Bachelor” with Brad Womack.

17. What should you definitely pack if you go on “The Bachelor”? A sleep mask. Those filming lights turn on early and they’re bright!
18. What is something you still have from your time on “The Bachelor”? I have every rose Brad Womack gave me and I have every gift that any guy gave to me while we were filming “The Bachelorette.” Great memories!
19. When Bachelor Nation fans approach you, what is the first question they ask? “Why did you choose Jesse [Csincsak]?” HAHAHA. It’s a valid question.
20. Where do you see yourself in five years? I have so many dreams. I hope to have written a cookbook by then and have a cooking show!