October 13, 2021 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with James Bonsall: Find Out His Biggest Pet Peeve and Who His 3 Bachelor Nation BFFs Are

Fans met James Bonsall as the mystery man in a box on Season 17 of “The Bachelorette.” And while James didn’t find love with Katie Thurston, he headed to the beaches of Season 7 of “Bachelor in Paradise” for another shot at finding “the one.”
James might not have left with a girlfriend or fiancée, but he famously left with his BFF and partner in crime Aaron Clancy.
James recently stopped by the “Bachelor Happy Hour” podcast and discussed how he and Aaron supported each other on the beach.
James said, “Without each other on ‘Paradise,’ we both probably would’ve crashed and burned because to have that person to just go and vent to and have that friendship at the end of the night where you can just unwind and destress, I probably would’ve lost my mind without him there.”
But outside of his iconic Bachelor Nation bromance, there’s so much more to James that fans might not know.
Here, James opens up exclusively to BachelorNation.com, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know the Bachelor Nation star a bit better below!
1. What is a taboo topic you love talking about? Mental health.
2. What celebrity couple is your definition of #relationshipgoals? Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

3. What is the best relationship advice you’ve ever received? Someone once proposed a question to me when giving relationship advice surrounding why relationships succeed or fail... And it was, “Would you be happy dating yourself/someone just like you?”... If the answer is no or if you are skeptical in any way, you know what areas you need to work on. That advice always stuck with me...
4. What is your guilty pleasure? Endless amounts of candy, of any kind!

5. The first thing I do when I wake up is: Make my bed :)
6. What is your biggest pet peeve? People chewing with their mouth open.
7. What is the one song that always gets you pumped up? Anything by SAINt JHN.
8. What is your hidden talent? Being able to constantly look at the bright side of any situation. I’m an extreme optimist.
9. Who inspires you the most? My parents.
10. What is the one movie you’ve rewatched the most? “Shutter Island.”
11. My last meal on earth would be? Some type of cheeseburger…
12. My current phone screen saver is: A picture of my English bulldog, who I absolutely adore!

13. What is the last thing you Googled? Flights to New York... Going to my friend’s wedding in October!
14. What is your favorite emoji? The laughing emoji... I have a lot of funny friends, so I’m constantly using that one.
15. Who is the most famous person who’s slid into your DMs or followed you on social media? Aaron Clancy.
16. What was your favorite part of being on “The Bachelorette”? Meeting friends that I will stay in touch with for life.
17. If you could only hang out with three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Aaron Clancy, Christian Smith, and Brendan Scanzano.

18. What did being on “The Bachelorette” teach you? To never settle, and to keep a high standard for what you are looking for in a partner.
19. What advice would you give future “Bachelorette” contestants? Be yourself, and don’t be afraid of what others might think... Be unapologetically “YOU.”
20. When Bachelor Nation fans approach you, what is the first thing they say? Are you the “box guy”?