May 18, 2021 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Dr. Joe Park: Get to Know the Bachelor Nation Star a Bit Better!

Dr. Joe Park captured viewers’ hearts with his kind demeanor and good looks on “The Bachelorette” Season 16.
The standout contestant recently stopped by the “Click Bait” podcast to chat with co-hosts Tayshia Adams, Joe Amabile, and Natasha Parker about his remarkable run on the show, his incredible career as an anesthesiologist in New York City, and his thoughts on joining the upcoming season of “Bachelor in Paradise.”
But there is even more to learn about Dr. Joe. Here, he opens up exclusively to, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know the Bachelor Nation star a bit better below!
1. What is a taboo topic you love talking about? Death, dying, and the importance of finiteness of it all. SO FUN!
2. What celebrity couple is your definition of #relationshipgoals? Bob and Linda Belcher. They get each other and love each other unconditionally.

3. What is your guilty pleasure? Ice cream. I swear, if you cut me in half, you’d find a chocolate ice cream core with gobs of cookie dough, brownie, caramel, waffle cone… and my organs.
4. What is the best relationship advice you’ve ever received? “No matter who’s right or who’s wrong, the heart of the matter should always be the matter of the heart.”
5. What is your zodiac sign and how do you embody it? I’m an Aries, but I would be lying if I said I knew what the traits of an Aries are. Is honesty one of them?
6. What is your biggest pet peeve? Not being open-minded/not thinking you might be wrong.
7. What would you want your last meal on earth to be? If I really thought about it, if I knew I were going to die imminently, I probably wouldn’t care that much about what I’d eat. It would all be amazing, even if it were actually terrible. But if you’re going to put me on the spot — a gallon of Ben & Jerry’s Milk and Cookies ice cream.

8. What is the one song that always gets you pumped up? Anything by Jack Johnson — pumped up to go surf!!
9. What is your hidden talent? Bad magic. I’m kind of into magic, but I don’t care about it enough to practice. But after a beer or two, I’ll perform it… very poorly.

10. What is your current phone screen saver? The same screen saver I’ve had for the past three years (and maybe the same screen saver I’ll have until I’m engaged/married): Grandma.
11. Who inspires you the most? My mom. Her wisdom, kindness, empathy, compassion, patience, IQ/EQ, ability to accept change, ability to make the best of a situation, humor… are all qualities I hope to possess… eventually.
12. Who is the most famous person who has slid into your DMs or followed you on social media after going on “The Bachelorette”? Pilot Pete!! <3 <3 <3

13. What is the last thing you Googled? Aries traits (looks like honesty is not on the list).
14. What was your favorite part of being on “The Bachelorette”? All of the amazing people I got to meet! From the contestants to the Bachelorettes to the producers to the audiovisual techs to the environmental staff, everyone was really awesome. And the all-you-could-eat ice cream sammies.
15. What did being on “The Bachelorette” teach you? It’s totally fine to go after the same girl as all of your friends. And 100 degrees outside seems hot… until it gets to 120 degrees.
16. If you could only hang out with three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Brendan Morais, Bennett Andrew Jordan, and… Nick Viall? (I have only spoken to him on his podcast, but he seems like someone whose hamster wheel is always spinning — and if you’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone, better to keep it interesting.)

17. If you go on “The Bachelorette,” what should you definitely pack? A bag of your finest confidence, a jar of thick skin, and levity cream.
18. What do still have from your time on “The Bachelorette”? All my roses! And my journal. And my joke journal from the roast. And my uniform and dodgeball. And all of the emotional scars from being rejected twice on national TV… KIDDING!
19. When Bachelor Nation fand approach you in person, what is the first question they ask? “Where’s Brendan/Bennett?”
20. Where do you see yourself in five years? Best-selling author, Grammy-winning musician, critically acclaimed director, world-class free runner… orrr maybe just trying to be the best husband, father, family member, and human I can be.