June 01, 2021 • bachelor insider
20 Questions with Raven Gates: Get to Know the Bachelor Nation Star a Bit Better!

Raven Gates has had an incredible ride within Bachelor Nation.
Fans first fell in love with the brunette beauty on Season 21 of “The Bachelor” in 2017. While she didn’t win Nick Viall’s final rose, Raven gave love another shot on the beaches of “Bachelor in Paradise” Season 4, during which she met now-husband Adam Gottschalk.
Raven and Adam recently stopped by “Click Bait” and chatted with co-hosts Joe Amabile and Natasha Parker about their time on the show, their “perfect” April 16 wedding, and its multiple delays due to COVID-19.
But there is even more to learn about Raven. Here, the Grey Suede founder opens up exclusively to BachelorNation.com, answering 20 rapid-fire questions.
Get to know the Bachelor Nation star a bit better below!
1. What is a taboo topic you love talking about? Money! I love being an open book about investing and saving. Where to put money and where not to put money. Sometimes that can be a very taboo topic!
2. What celebrity couple is your definition of #relationshipgoals? George and Amal Clooney!

3. What is your guilty pleasure? Watching “Sex and the City” with tons of junk food spread across my bed. Usually, this happens when Adam isn’t home! Haha!
4. What is the best relationship advice you’ve ever received? That a relationship is NOT 50/50. It’s 100/100. Give 100 percent because there will be a time when your partner is on a zero and you’ll have to make up the difference. And they should do the same for you when you’re on empty!
5. What is your zodiac sign and how do you embody it? I’m a Leo and my most Leo trait would be that I’m passionate! I am very passionate about my love, my family, and very protective over it!
6. What is your biggest pet peeve? When someone is mean to a waiter/waitress or someone in the service industry (or really mean to anyone in general). I had a date with a guy one time who did this. Never spoke to him again. I also never forgot it.
7. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Feel to the left side of the bed to see if Adam has left for work yet… eyes still closed. Haha!
8. What would you want your last meal on earth to be? Fried chicken, collard greens, fried okra, fried squash, mac ‘n’ cheese, mashed potatoes, and a hot buttery roll. Can you tell I’m from the South?

9. What is your hidden talent? Being a front-end and back-end web developer!
10. What is the one movie you’ve rewatched the most? “Sex and the City.”

11. Who is the most famous person who’s slid into your DMs or followed you on social media? I can’t reveal that! I don’t want to lose their trust or friendship. No amount of clout is worth it.
12. What was your favorite part of being on “The Bachelor”? All the fun adventures. I had never been out of the country before “The Bachelor,” so I felt like I was Princess Jasmine — living a whole new world!
13. What did being on “The Bachelor” teach you? Oh, Lord. SO MUCH. But probably No. 1, to enjoy every single roller coaster. The ups, the downs, there’s beauty in it all! Example: The heartbreak on “The Bachelor” led me to MARRYING ADAM!! How crazy is that? God bless the broken road. I’m so thankful for the highs and the lows! The show taught me to appreciate the bad as much as the good — as corny as that sounds.
14. Who is your Bachelor Nation crush? Adam Gottschalk :) I married him!

15. What advice would you share with future “Bachelor” contestants? Open your heart and enjoy every single second. Because you’re going to blink and it’s going to be over. Well, until “Paradise.” (ALSO, be kind to producers, cameramen, and mic/behind-the-scenes people. Sometimes they don’t deserve the treatment contestants give them.)
16. If you could only hang out with three people from Bachelor Nation for the rest of your life, who would you choose? Alexis Waters, Jasmine Goode, and Danielle Lombard.

17. What’s one thing you should definitely pack if you go on “The Bachelor”? EVERYTHING. No, seriously. Pack everything.
18. What is one thing you still have from your time on “The Bachelor”? I still have my journal I wrote in every day with every rose I received crushed in it. I also still have all my outfits I wore on the show! I hope one day maybe my niece or my kids will look back on them and think of it as really amazing to still have.
19. When Bachelor Nation fans approach you in person or online, what is the first question they ask? Is the dolphin/shark Alexis Waters still your best friend? The answer is and will always be YES.

20. Where do you see yourself in five years? Running around like crazy with a lot of kids!!! And date nights with Adam when we can fit it in between our kids’ soccer/basketball/dance/art class (whatever it may be) schedule. Ha!